Talk about Mrs Choong. Lately she'd made us all worried as she'd just discovered she has high blood pressure. Feels ill when it onwards have to be strict on food intakes and lifestyle...lately whenever there's prawns, egg yolk, fat meats (well all these used to be our usual meals) i'll warn her not to far she's been good, we've been having lotsa veggies during our dinners~ she's not just worrying that she'll feel ill when the high blood pressure strikes...also worried that she might not be able to work to sustain the family financial when she's ill...Mom i really salute you. I might not be the one who can solve all your problems but i will try to minimize your pressure. The father plays an important role too. When daughter is ill, need to take care...when wife is ill, need to take know everytime i 'shang xiang' to the Choong family nenek moyang i'd always pray..."please bring good health to the family and wish everything goes well, family members all safe and sound" not asking for wealth or strikes TOTO/MAGNUM4D/whatesover but good health for the family please. I just wish everyone stayes well.
Mrs Choong is tougher than her little daughter for sure...or shall i say life experiences made oneself tougher and im not enough of it yet. She had a cut on her finger last nite but she take it as nothing...wipe wipe, squeeze zqueeze out the blood and just let it be. The daughter gets nausea when there's finger cuts...even a tiny one (bloody hell i really dont know why)...Damn you should really start to grow up Ms Christine. Noted? Yeah.
p/s: i looked back into the "me" 10 years ago, find that im tougher now. I hope to look back again into myself 10 years later and proudly found out that im then much tougher than i am now. God Bless.