Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Reasons to hate night shift

  • Working til 9pm is damn late ok. (well, at least to ME)
  • Late dinner, not good for ppl who have sensitive tummy like me
  • Boringness - imagine 90% of your colleagues left at 8pm and you're so dead bored til 9pm...
  • Cold foods - of course i cant get my family to wait for me for late dinner right, so i end up eating cold foods, you know, not everything stil taste nice after heating up.
  • Bookings - as the nite shift consultant has the so-called priority to do advance booking where we slot in all fussy clients pre booking but at the same time we need to do that on behalf of our colleages(FYI, i have 4 consultant colleagues plus myself and each of us have tons of bookings. O.M.G)
  • Lastly, sales report to the GM. Yes yes yes its just a phone call/sms thingy it'll probably take less than 2 minutes know...sometimes...we...Forget about it.

SO, i was fined 100bucks for forgetting to do the bloody-hell-sales report call.


Damn it.

Once again, i Really hated working night shift.


  1. wa the fined amount is so high!

  2. working till 9.00pm is normal to me....
    my working time is 8.30am - 9.00pm monday to sunday...hahaha

  3. Joe, got so bad mou? then mar no off days at all?
